Thursday, April 3, 2008


Do you have Photoshop installed on your computer but don't how to use it?

Do you know the basics but don't understand how to use some of the really cool tools that Photoshop has to offer?

Do you know how to use the cool tools but want to know how to create some truly stellar images?

Thanks to the internet, you can now learn practically anything you want to know about using Photoshop. Whether in written or video format, there are literally thousands of tutorials on the web just waiting to help guide you. The problem is finding them.

Hence, the creation of this blog: "How to Use Photoshop"!

This blog will serve as an aggregation tool of sorts, as I regularly search for and post Photoshop tutorials for your consideration. Over the course of time, I will most likely begin to develop my own tutorials that incorporate what I consider to be the most helpful and intuitive approaches.

If you regularly create Photoshop tutorials and would like to see your work showcased, feel free to contact me at roguewriterkyle a t ya hoo do t com.

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